Instructor: Richard Laycock
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm
This class continues for six Tuesdays through November 19
Perfect Pictures in Pastel & Pencil
We will finish 2 large pictures using pastels and pencils. The first, perfecting your interpretation of a water scene, the second a
close-up animal portrait. Both will combine a technique using
soft pastels and pencils on a prepared pumice board.
Materials provided by student: Set of Rembrandt pastel half-sticks
(min. 30) Prismacolor pencil set (min. 24) HB, 5H graphite
pencils. Eraser and pencil sharpener.
Materials fee: $20 due at beginning of 1st class
Materials provided by instructor: Drawing board/paper, Pumice,
Reference material, Assorted pastels and pencils.
Expected ability Level: Some experience helpful, but not required.
Class fee for ASA members: $30
Class fee for Non-members: $60
Number of Students: Minimum 8 Maximum 14