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What do I need to do if I want to show some of my artwork at ASA
Kathy Cope is ASA’s Gallery Coordinator.  She changes the artwork every January, April, July and October. There is also a juried annual membership show, which includes all members including Basic Membership. Emails are sent out to all members instructing the day to deliver artwork, at the end of the months of December, March, June and September.
What are the rules for display ready art?

Proper D-Hooks and Picture Wire are required to hang your artwork. A release form needs to be filled out, signed and filed in a binder. Tags need to be filled out with your name, title, media and price, and affixed to the back of each artwork.  This is how you will get paid when your art sells.  A Title card with your name, title, media and price also needs to be filled out and placed with each artwork left on the tables in the gallery, to be hung by Kathy Cope on the designated dates.

How much artwork can I show with the $50.00 annual membership?

One to three pieces depending on the size:  One painting up to size 24’X36”, or two up to size 16’X20”, or three up to 9’X12”. For 3-D artwork you will need to consult Kathy Cope.

What are the best ways to find out what is going on at ASA?

ASA sends out regular emails to update its members about current events. To stay current, open all ASA emails.  You can go to Membership Meetings, which are promoted with ASA emails, and you can also go to our website to learn about special events, classes and workshops and read previous ASA emails.

How to reach our website
Google ASA in Lincoln City, OR.  Then click on Artists Studio Association Home.
How to find us on Facebook:
Facebook Artists’ Studio Association.  Scroll past our ASA Website to - Artist’s Co-op Gallery and Artists’ Studio Association.  Click on that.
How to renew membership:

Go to ASA Website and Login, click on How to Renew ASA Membership.  Follow the directions. Note that you must click on Basic Membership first even it you want to go to the next level gallery hanging/selling privilege.

How much is ASA annual membership?

 $30.00 for Basic Membership,  $50 if you add display privileges for $20.

How do I find out about classes and workshops?

 Go to our website and click on Events – then click - Classes and Workshops.

How do I find out about other events?

Go to our website and click on Events- click on - All Events.

How long does it take to get a check when artwork sells?

On average it takes about 3 weeks. However, it can take a little longer due to processing and delivery by mail.

How much commission do I have to pay?

 When you sell your artwork at ASA, 20% commission is paid to the PPA for handling the art, taking payment, and bubble wrapping or boxing.  This is so ASA does not have to hire a full time employee to do this for us. 

What do you do if you forget your password to the ASA website?

Go to ASA Website, click the Password Problems and follow the instructions.

When are the Membership Meetings?

Historically before Covid, member meetings were the last Tuesday of every month. We are slowly seeing interest in restoring this to a monthly or quarterly event. Members will receive emails to remind them, and when we have them, they are still the last Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to 7:30, unless notified otherwise. 

What happens at the Membership Meetings?

There is food, drinks and discussion about ASA, updates on any changes, and a chance to ask the Board Members questions. In December, new Board Members can be elected.

What if I want to contact an ASA Member, or Board Member?

Go to ASA’s Website, pull down the About Us menu and click contact us to see Board Members.  You can lookup any ASA Member through the membership directory. Login top right button, click Members Only, click Membership Directory. You can type in the name of person you are looking for.  If this doesn’t work, due to incorrect spelling or omission, click – Search - to bring up all the pages of ASA members. Arrow to the person you are looking for.

How do I find out who the Board Members are?

Go to our Website, see the top of page black bar, click - About Us, click - Contact Us, see Association Contacts.

What if you want to do some volunteer work for ASA?

Go to ASA’s Website, and contact any Board Member through the Membership Directory.

How do Board members get elected?

Board members can be nominated and elected through a committee process, and elected at the December membership meetings by ASA Members.