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Art Smart 2025 Morning Session

About this event

Art Smart Renee

Instructor: Krista Eddy


Phone:541 992 4292

Saturdays: Jan 11, 18, 25  Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 March 1,15, 22
Two class sessions available: 
10:30am to 12 noon
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Art Smart classes are for youth, ages 6 through 12 are organized around an ongoing adventure story.  The lessons will be based on an ongoing story which starts with a Volcano erupting! Lessons will include a variety of art techniques, styles and mediums and will be encouraging, fun and adventurous.

With each class's art lesson, subject matter, style and materials are correlated to what happens in the story. Art students are their own characters in this adventure. Important fundamental art lessons are woven into these classes, including value, color, contrast, texture, pattern, line quality space, shape and much more. The individual projects can be anything from creating and building 3-D structures, weaving, drawing and painting, stop gap animation, collage, print making and much more.


Expected Ability Level: Beginners welcome, no experience necessary.  Ages 6 to 12

Class fee: $25 Art Smart membership for the whole series of 10 classes!

Register to secure a place, for the morning
or afternoon class. 
Register by calling call Krista 541 992-4292
Payment due at the first class, cash or check only.

If you want to sign up for just one class, please call or email Krista to advise the date and plan on paying $5 at the class.


Number of Students: Maximum 16 per session

Date and Time

Saturday, January 27, 2024, 10:25 AM until 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


ASA Classroom
620 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR  97367

Event Contact(s)

Krista Eddy


Kids Classes

Registration Info

Registration is not Required