Instructor: Rosemary Wood-Hemm
February, 11, 2024 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and
February 12, 2024 11:00 am to 12:00 PM
This is a 2 day class Second day is just one hour
Make a mosaic steppingstone using beautiful stained glass. You will learn to cut and shape glass using tools provided. You will also learn to mix thinset to adhere to your paver. The next day you will learn to grout your mosaic steppingstone.
Materials provided by student: Bring safety glass or reading glasses and a 12" paver from Ace Hardware. Bring a snack.
Materials provided by instructor: Mosaic tools, glass, fiberglass mesh, thinset, and grout.
Expected ability Level: Beginners welcome, no experience necessary.
Class fee for ASA members: $95
Class fee for Non-members: $100
Number of Students: Minimum 4 Maximum 7